kemmer consulting Think Rational, Be Concise, Enjoy Work

Setting Up Sparx System's Enterprise Architect 12.x on Mac

Sparx System’s Enterprise Architect is a well known CASE-Tool. Pittily there is no native version for the Mac. But luckily you can run Enterprise Architect on Mac via [Wine] Using CrossOver is...


Introducing Lanyon

Lanyon is an unassuming Jekyll theme that places content first by tucking away navigation in a hidden drawer. It’s based on Poole, the Jekyll butler. Built on Poole Poole is the Jekyll...


What's Jekyll?

Jekyll is a static site generator, an open-source tool for creating simple yet powerful websites of all shapes and sizes. From the project’s readme: Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site...


Syntax Highlighting Post

Syntax highlighting is a feature that displays source code, in different colors and fonts according to the category of terms. This feature facilitates writing in a structured language such as a programming...


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